Casa Colina Diagnostic Imaging Center/Claremont Imaging Associates accepts most preferred provider organization (PPO) and some health maintenance organization (HMO) health plans. Since insurance plan coverage and contracts frequently change, it's important that you get confirmation of what is covered by your plan. You may contact us or your insurance company benefits office for more details about whether your tests will be completely covered or require a co-pay. There are currently more than 45 health plans contracted with the Casa Colina Imaging Center for its quality diagnostic medical imaging and care. Excellent discounts are also offered for cash-paying patients.
Please note that all contracts are held under the name of Claremont Imaging Associates, tax id #20-0236047.
*All exams require authorization.
For more information, or if you have questions about authorization, please call 909/596-7733, ext. 4541 or toll-free 866/724-4127, ext. 4541 or contact us now.
Casa Colina Azusa Center is offering free screenings for sports injuries and other minor-to-moderate orthopedic injuries caused by falls, accidents, and more. The Comprehensive screenings are for non-chronic conditions and are conducted by a ...
View Event DetailsThe Coliseum at Casa Colina Hospital and Centers for Healthcare is offering free sports injury screenings. Overseen by Steven Bast, MD, program medical director and an orthopedic surgeon trained in sports medicine, the Coliseum welcomes injured ...
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